Intervista a Daniel Levy – nuovo OC Giants


Dopo che Coach Cosbie ha dovuto abbandonare la squadra per motivi personali, diamo un grandissimo benvenuto a Coach Levy che ormai già da qualche giorno si è unito alla squadra nella mansione di OC.
Coach Levy ha interrotto recentemente il suo rapporto professionale con i Black Panthers di Praga dopo averli portati al titolo nazionale nella passata stagione.
Nel 2016 e nel 2017 invece Coach Levy ha vinto per ben due volte il titolo con i Santa Cruzeiro e più recentemente ha allenato gli Europe Warriors ed una selezione tra i piu talentuosi atleti europei vincendo in Messico.

Questa la nostra tradizionale intervista di benvenuto.
1. Welcome coach. You already spent a couple of days with the team, what is your first impression?
DL My first impression is that this is a tough, talented group who has already welcomed me to the team like family. The success they’ve had to this point is a testament to their talent and hard work. I really like the guys, their energy and their dedication, and I can’t wait to really dig into the details with them and help them become the best players they are capable of being.

2. What do you expect from the season? Personally and from the team?
DL I’ve been a part of 3 championship teams the last 3 years in a row. My expectation is to make this a 4th, so in that way I feel that my personal expectations are perfectly aligned with the team’s. In actuality, I hope to make it 2 titles this season as the CEFL Cup final is just around the corner.

Bust most importantly, I’m really looking forward to just enjoying coaching football again.

3. Thats not your first experience in italy. How do you think the italian football movement has change in these years
DL One thing I always liked about football in Italy is how competitive it is at the national level. A lot of leagues in Europe have one or two dominate teams, but in Italy, even in years when you have repeat champions, the path to get there is always competitive. The sport is definitely growing and I’m excited to be a part of it.

Pubblicato in News, Squadre